In a violent blissful time when a samurai, and kingdoms went to the war for the power lust, and money with contented fused between each nation that tries to take over the world without mercy the kingdoms were set up into 6 to 7 parts there was the mystic kingdom that was ruled by the elf and nature animals they healed the lands and helped everything grow flowers tree.Plants then there was the Rogue kingdom they were always violent and dishonest starting up the fight where ever they went and did, 't care who was in the middle of it, there was also the abandoned kingdom which was the rule by a forgotten king that lost many of his memories with his servants that slander him hides his back with wick and the devious word's then there was the evil country that was led by a bandit Rogue named Hitomi a long purple hair woman who was fearless and wanted to conquer the whole world she was only 26 years old her parent die in battle by the Rogue kingdom she wants vengeance on the whole, clan here was he trusted the bests friend Kristy who always comes up with all the weapon in every battle, they have next you have Micail her spymaster she spends most of her time in her room with her book then you have Kai a rough devil man in a fight with his guns blasting that sending a shiver down, your spine.